Monday, September 26, 2011

The Concert
By Susan Klein

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song.”
Psalm 95:1-2

It’s the morning of the concert. The hall is quiet. The stage is set. It’s time to tune my strings and focus on the music that is about to be poured forth. I’ve been preparing for this moment, ensuring all is ready for my solo performance. My mind must be cleared of all distractions so I can concentrate on making beautiful music for my most prestigious audience. I sit quietly, taking in the stillness of my surroundings. I close my eyes and focus. It’s almost time!

I am not a musician. I do not even have a good singing voice. The hall I speak of is a quiet room in my house. The event I’m preparing for is a “concert of praise.” I am playing for an audience of one: my heavenly Father. The strings I am tuning are my heartstrings, making sure no off-key notes are hiding within that could distort my praises of Him. I may sing my praises or I may speak them. I may turn to the Psalms for guidance or just let my heart be led by the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t really matter. He will be happy that I’ve taken the time to come to Him with my song. He so enjoys a good concert!

Usually, when I spend time with God, I’m petitioning Him for intervention on certain matters in my life and in the lives of others. I do try to acknowledge His attributes and to praise Him, when time permits. I even try to spend time listening for His voice. But rarely is the focus solely on Him. Today, I am going to shift my focus from me and my requests, to only Him. I am going to have a concert of praise for my heavenly Father who delights in me! I am going to sing my thanks and praises to the Rock of my salvation. I am going to give my attention to who He is, and what He has done, and what He continues to do. I am going to extol Him with the music of my heart!

How about you? Will you join me? Not in my solo performance, but in having a concert of your own? Will you sing a new song unto the Lord? Will you praise His name and declare His glory among the nations? Will you worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness? He’ll be ever so happy to listen!

1. Plan some time for a concert of praise with the One who adores you! Tell Him how much you adore Him back!

Psalms 92, 95, 96, 98...

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers.  She is also involved in inner city outreach.