Monday, September 12, 2011

Lest We Forget
By Karen D’Amore

“While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:8

The day, vividly tattooed in my mind, will impact me forever. As if it happened yesterday, the stench of terror still lingers in my nostrils. Being a police officer at the time, I was impacted differently then my civilian family and friends. Sitting in a squad room with fellow police officers, we watched in horror, as the tragic events of 9/11 unfolded. The hollow ache in the pit of my stomach festered into nausea, as I could only imagine what lay beneath the fallen rubble. My city’s streets hushed with a ghost town-like quiet as stunned Americans remained cocooned within their homes.

For months I was fixated on the video footage, re-playing and re-living the catastrophic events…over and over again. Billowing smoke, dust and debris plowing through the city streets, paralytic faces of fear. In the midst of chaos and panic, a disturbing, yet heroic fact, came to light. As sirens blared and buildings burned and collapsed, thousands of people fled in shock and horror. People tripped and trampled one another as they frantically ran
from  the collapsing rubble. Yet, running headlong into the carnage of the burning Twin Towers were uniformed men and women of police and fire rescue services. Without hesitation and with no regard for their own personal safety…they ran in!  Fulfilling the commitment of their oath, they performed the duties for which they were trained. With people trapped and injured in burning buildings, they sacrificed their own lives in an attempt to rescue and save others.

September 11, 2001…a date which awakened America and will be forever etched in the hearts and minds of every citizen. Thousands of people lost their lives in a senseless act of terrorism. And hundreds sacrificed their lives in an attempt to save others. Yes, there will always be heroes, and we should never forget their sacrifice, but let us always remember the supreme sacrifice of our greatest Hero…our Savior. Jesus came without hesitation to rescue you and me from a lost and dying world. His death on the Cross served as provision for our eternal life. Today…recognize that we have life because Jesus sacrificed His!

New York City’s Ground Zero has been transformed into a permanent World Trade Center Memorial Site. A landmark for people to reflect and remember, the memorial is entitled “Reflecting Absence.” As Christ-followers, let us remember the Cross, which serves as a memorial reflecting…His Presence!

1. Contemplate the Cross and consider what it means to you. Take a moment to thank God for His supreme sacrifice.

1 John 3:16, 4:9; John 3:16

Married to Dan, Karen is a retired police officer who is currently a Nail Technician at Craig Berns Salon.  She’s a leader for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and a volunteer at the Wildlife In Need Center.