Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Soothing Secrets
By Jen Wollner

"If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28 (CEV)

The title of the magazine article read, “Soothing Secrets: Kick back and relax with four easy, expert-suggested ideas for taking the edge off.” Yes! This was just what I relax and take the edge off. Only four easy steps? Perfect!

It was a couple weeks after Christmas and I was wiped out. The holidays themselves, while joyous, can also be really draining. The parties, food and gifts are, well, just too much of a good thing. We also had the delight of having a houseguest for three weeks over the holidays...a young man from the orphanage in Latvia where our church ministers regularly. Our family was determined to show him love and  a good time. And, that we did! We became tourists in our own area. It was great fun, but not a lifestyle we could sustain for much longer! By the time we said our heartrending good-byes to our dear friend, I was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. I wanted to run away from it all to recharge and rest.

As I looked at my calendar, I realized that I wasn’t going to get the kind of break that was suggested by the “experts” in the article I had read. There wasn’t much time for comfort food and bubble baths! My Bible study was starting up again and I had homework to catch up on, not to mention a luncheon with my small group to prepare for. I also had several meetings planned with individuals in various ministries. These would present me with much to pray about and opportunities to serve. I was simply not in the mood for more activity, but I knew I needed to honor the commitments I had made long before the weariness had set in.

As it turned out, every task on my calendar was a God appointment! Those couple weeks were some of the most energizing I’ve ever had! I was recharged by being back in God’s Word and in fellowship with passionate Christ-followers. And, I found rejuvenation in fervent prayer and service to others. I realized that it wasn’t worldly rest I needed, it was rest in Jesus and in His perfect will.

Sometimes it’s necessary to step back and take physical, mental and emotional breaks, but let’s not fall into the trap of thinking that relaxation only comes in pampering ourselves…it just doesn’t last. Deep, fulfilling restoration is only found in Jesus. Take your burdens to Him today…He will give you rest.

1.  How do you prefer to relax when you are feeling weary? How can you include Jesus in those activities?


Jen and her husband are busily parenting three children between the ages of nine and five. She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.