Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sun & Shield
By Elin Henderson

 “For the LORD God is a sun and shield…”
 Psalms 84:11a (NKJV)

Several years back, doctors in the U.S. began to see an odd re-occurrence of the disease called Rickets.  For years, it had been considered an eradicated disease, so when children began appearing with signs of major Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency the doctors began wondering why. They soon discovered that some parents were so afraid of over-exposure to the sun that they literally never allowed their children to go outside. Those that did allow their children outside, smothered them with so much sunscreen that the sun’s rays (which provide Vitamin D) never reached their skin. Without Vitamin D, Calcium is not properly absorbed and that was the cause of the reoccurrence of Rickets. The problem: too LITTLE of a good thing!! 

On the other hand, my family lives in the African sun and we have to make annual trips to the dermatologist for my husband to have pre-cancerous lesions removed. Hats and sunblock are shields from the sun that make up an integral part of our daily routine. The problem: too MUCH of a good thing!!

It is clear that in order to lead healthy lives, we need the proper balance of sun exposure and protection from the sun. One without the other is dangerous to our health. 

I was reminded of this paradox when I read this verse in Psalms. God is the perfect balance of what we need for our spiritual health. He is our sun providing warmth, energy, and light for our days. And He is also our shield providing protection and shelter from life’s challenges. He combines both these needed elements in His perfect Sun/Shield package! 

With the awareness of today’s doctors and their efforts in parental education, Rickets is once again a thing of the past. As for our family, well, let’s just say we are doing our part to keep sunblock companies in business. A little balance between sun and shield (sunblock), and everyone is fine. It is the same in your spiritual lives: God will provide you just the right balance of sun and shield you need to keep you strong and healthy in Him! 

1. How has God been a sun in your life lately? How has He warmed your soul, given you energy for the day’s challenges, or light for your paths?
2. How has He been a shield of protection and shelter?
3. What are some ways you can share this sun/shield package with those around you  - - family, friends, coworkers, etc.? 

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to eleven-year-old Callie and nine-year-old Elias.