Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Here’s the Plan
By Kari Lyles

“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Planning comes very naturally to me. So much so, that when my spontaneous husband and I were first married, he often threw my quiet evening into a tailspin when he would suggest we go to a movie. “Tonight?” I would ask rather annoyed. “I didn’t think that was the plan.”

When we had our first daughter, planning became a necessity. I was usually the one that could offer extra wipes at play dates, hand my crying daughter her blanket at a moment’s notice and sooth tummy grumblings with Cheerios or Goldfish. Planning brings me peace and I am always ready for anything. Or, so I like to think.

Recently, I have found myself unsure of “the plan” in certain areas of my life and that has me in a scary place…the questioning. “What’s next?” “How long will this season last?” “Should I be making other plans?” Ultimately, I know this is when I need to run to the Father, but in my humanness, I try to prepare myself for the answers I
think He may give, in order to save myself from disappointment and hurt. Maybe you can relate? There are times in all of our lives when we are unsure of what lies ahead and we question what our next “plan” should be.

The Bible gently reminds us, though, that we are created in God’s own image, so certainly some of our best personality traits could reflect His. While our verse for today is a specific promise made through Jeremiah to the Jewish exiles in Babylon, it tells us about God’s character. Our Lord is a planner! Imagine that! He also assures us that “no eye has seen, nor ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9).” We don’t always have all the information, but we can rest assured that God has something incredible in mind for us.

Truly believing that the Lord has a unique and distinct plan for our lives brings us peace, joy and comfort. That doesn’t mean that we don’t sometimes question it; and it certainly doesn’t mean we always understand it. But, His faithfulness to us and His perfect will are far better than anything we could plan.

1. Is there a situation in your life that isn’t going as you planned? Ask God to help you trust Him as He reveals His plans to you.

Genesis 1:27; Proverbs 19:21; Romans 8:28

Kari is a wife and mother to two girls. She works as a regional sales manager at MAX-R in Sussex and is involved in Oakwood’s drama ministry.