Friday, January 25, 2013

The Messenger
By Jen Wollner

“…‘I am the one I claim to be…I do nothing on my own, but speak just what the Father has taught me.’”
John 8:28b

It’s something all parents do from time to time. They send one of their children with a message for another one. “Come down for dinner.” “Your friend is here to play.” “Please quiet down, mom is going crazy!” Whatever the message might be, we send the sibling to relay it on our behalf.

I’m not sure how this might play out at your house, but at mine, it typically doesn’t go well. Usually, the messenger delivers the message and the message-receiver gets upset, not wanting to take direction from said messenger - - his or her sibling. Hence, the messenger comes back to me saying the message-receiver isn’t, well, receiving it, and won’t comply. He or she just didn’t trust the messenger or the message!

Let’s face it, for varying reasons, sometimes I just can’t deliver these messages myself. I need a representative! In order to try to help the process go smoother, I’ve gotten in the habit of coaching the messenger on exactly what to say. For instance, “My lovely sister, mom sent me up here to tell you that dinner is ready. Please come to the table.” Or, “Dear brother, mom sent me down here to tell you that the Wii volume is too loud. Please turn it down.” In this way, the message-receiver can be assured that the message isn’t coming from a bossy sibling, but rather THE boss…Mom.

God sent a messenger to earth to give us a very important message. But, this wasn’t just any messenger…and it wasn’t just any message. It was God Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ. And, the message was one of redemption and sanctification.

Unfortunately, there are many people in the world today who say they believe in God, but ignore the messages He sent to us through Jesus. Some people don’t even believe that Jesus is who He says He is, God’s Son, much less follow His teachings as truth.

In Scripture, Jesus solidifies His association with God by repeatedly saying things like, “…whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me” (Mark 9:37). Or, “…My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me” (John 7:16). It’s clear that He came representing God, not just as a messenger, but as the Fulfiller of the message, too.

May we accept Jesus, and trust both the Messenger and  the messages He delivered directly from our loving Heavenly Father.

1.  Have you heard God’s message(s) through Jesus and believed them as truth? If not, what’s holding you back?
2.  With whom can you share God’s message of salvation through Jesus?


Jen and her husband are busily parenting three elementary-aged children.  She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.