Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A New Name
By Janet Byrne

“Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful…”

When our oldest son was born, my husband and I were over the moon. We couldn’t contain our thanks to God for giving us this precious boy to love. Our first pregnancy had ended in a late term miscarriage so we were beyond grateful to have been given another child. Wanting to name him something to reflect our thanks, we named him Grant. We told people we had named him Grant so that we would remember to never take him for granted.  

In the same way, you have been given a name. Our names are a set of words by which we’re known. Our earthly names are usually given by our parents. You may be a Michelle, a Rachel or Kimberly. God also gives us many names. He calls us Beloved, Redeemed and Saved. Those who believe in Jesus are known by these names to God.  

Being known and called Loved, Treasured, Adopted, and His daughter are all truly amazing names to be called. However, I believe according to the passage above that God wants each of us to be known by the name “Thankful” most of all. To be called Thankful would mean we are known to be appreciative of a benefit; grateful. It would mean we were known to be expressive of gratitude. This is the will of God.   

Without Jesus’ death on the cross, my name would instead be Hopeless. Without His sacrifice, my name would be Death. BUT, because of His great love for us, we are called His children. I cannot think of a greater blessing and benefit in my life.  

I know Thanksgiving is just one day out of the year, but it is my prayer that I would take on a new name. It is Thankful… not just thankful when life is going according to my plan, but thankful regardless. Thankful. Period! Wouldn’t it be neat if when people asked us our names, we replied “My name is Thankful.” And if they look and say, “Wow, that is unique, why are you named that?” My reply could be, “I am thankful to Jesus for His death and resurrection that has given me life.”  

May we be known as those who are thankful. Today and every day.  

1. If people were given one word to describe you, what would it be? Is your name Thankful?  
2. What changes could you make to create a more thankful YOU? Try to show random acts of thankfulness at least once a week. 


Janet is a full time wife and mother of two boys. She is involved on the Women's event team at Oakwood Church and is currently writing a book about her faith journey while dealing with a significant health crisis. You can check out her webpage and blog at