Thursday, March 6, 2014

Father Knows Best
By Karen D’Amore

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”

Eight years ago, my husband and I raced through the Las Vegas airport with two dogs, numerous pieces of luggage and one way tickets to Wisconsin! The vivid memory feels like yesterday. The “one-way-ticket” element - - a first for me - - was challenging to embrace. Our Midwest travels would no longer be as visitors, but rather as residents. Originally born and reared in Southern California, this relocation was not something I would’ve ever envisioned for my life. But the clear, God-orchestrated plan was necessary.

Exchanging beach flip flops for snow boots, my new journey began as winter fell. Polar-opposite-living drew me to walk with wide-eyed baby steps. Everything was new: weather, wardrobes, terms, traditions and styles of worship. Knowing four people (all in-laws), God became the director of my social life. My first “friend,” a neighboring horse adopted me as if I were his own. In the beginning, the loneliness was daunting but God became my nearest, dearest and closest friend.

As I reflect on this eight-year journey, it symbolically mirrors the long and winding road on which I reside. This road has bends, curves, blind spots and potholes. In this relatively short journey, there have been multiple new beginnings and several ends. Life here has not been void of challenges, obstacles, frustrations and adversities; all of which served as fertilizer necessary to grow my faith. But there’s also been the most awestruck God-moments imaginable. In a kaleidoscope of the foreign and unfamiliar - - in a place that I wouldn’t have chosen  to call home - - I’ve never felt more at home!

My most valuable lesson in this relocation journey has been that our Heavenly Father truly knows best! Just as God led the Israelites through the wilderness versus the most direct route (Exodus 13: 17-18), He will lead us down the best  path…but we need to follow Him. God’s best path doesn’t always guarantee the smoothest, least-resistant road but rather, the route which will strengthen our faith and draw us closer to Him.

My life plan and journey never included relocation to the Midwest. When I sensed God’s leading in this move, I responded with reluctant faith. I love how God used this journey to draw me into a deeper relationship with Him. And it’s with unwavering faith that I can now  confidently proclaim that wherever  God leads I will  follow because this God-directed faith-journey has taught me that my Heavenly Father truly knows best!

1.  Whose best are you trusting in?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team.