Monday, March 9, 2015

Moving Forward
By Lisa Boyer

“He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the twelve, was later to betray Him.”
John 6:71 (NIV)

I had been hurt. I had forgiven. I had moved on.

But then God began making it clear that moving on was not what He had wanted me to do. I wasn’t supposed to move on from the relationship; I was supposed to move forward in the relationship. But I didn’t want to move forward. If I remained in the relationship, I’d possibly be hurt again.

I wanted to tell God that He just didn’t understand; but then I remembered Judas… a disciple of Jesus… a friend of Jesus… the betrayer of Jesus.

Jesus knew He was going to die on a cross for us and He knew that Judas would betray Him. Yet, Jesus gave Judas authority over evil spirits and power to heal sick. Jesus spent three years with Judas; all those months, all those days, all those hours, all those minutes, all the while knowing what the future held: betrayal.

In my situation, I couldn’t possibly know the future so I didn’t know whether I would be hurt again or not, but I didn’t even want to take a chance. And even if  I were hurt again, it couldn’t compare to what Jesus experienced with Judas.

How did Jesus live like that? How could I live like that?

The Bible says in Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” (NIV) He loves us while we are still in our sin. He loved Judas while he was still in his sin.

I pictured Jesus and His disciples sitting around the campfire talking, laughing, cooking fish, and enjoying each other’s company. And I could see Jesus looking over at Judas and loving him; knowing what the future held and loving him anyway.

We, too, can love because of His love. “We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). And I know this because, well… I started writing this devotional in September 2010 and discovered it today, still unfinished. The whole time I’ve been finishing it, I’ve been wondering what relationship was this about?  

That is an amazing testimony of the power of God’s love and grace!!! Not only is the hurt gone, but I don’t even remember who hurt me. And more importantly, I haven’t moved on from any relationships…so I know that I moved forward.

1.  Are you struggling with a desire to move on from a relationship God wants you to move forward in? Today, will you make a decision to move forward by God’s grace?


Lisa has been married to Ted for over 20 years and they have two teenage sons. Lisa administers Fresh Start’s Facebook and blog and serves in Quest 56 on Sunday mornings at Oakwood.