Tuesday, March 17, 2015

There’s Always a Boat to Tarshish
By Elin Henderson

But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish.”
 Jonah 1:3 (NKJV)

When we need one, there is always a boat heading to Tarshish. [1] The enemy makes sure there is always a “way out” of God’s calling on our lives. We don’t have to look hard either; it will probably be the first gang plank we come to on the dock. The space will be ample and the fare will be cheap. We may even see it as divine providence; after all if God REALLY wanted us to go to our proverbial Nineveh, then why did we just stumble on this very viable option of escape?

Each of us receives a Nineveh calling at some point in our lives. God calls us to do something that is so far off of our “acceptable”-meter that we make a beeline for the shore and start looking for boats to Tarshish. We reason that He could not possibly be serious in asking us to take that missions trip to Europe this fall or teach a bunch of 1st graders in Sunday School or reach out to that neighbor or coworker who has been irritating us for years! All of the sudden, a leisurely cruise to the other side of our “Mediterranean” starts looking better by the minute!    

Nonetheless, God didn’t abandon Jonah, and He won’t abandon us either. Whether we are just contemplating buying a fare or we are already asleep down below the decks of the ship, God will come and meet us there. Of course, like Jonah, He might have to use some creative transport to get us back on track and to our destination. Sometimes, we all need a little time in the belly of a great fish to straighten us out. Nevertheless, if we are willing, He will get us to our final destination and to our place of calling and use us in a mighty way. Let’s commit to taking God’s route to His calling for our lives and steer clear of the cruise-line specials to Tarshish!

GOING DEEPER:                                               
1.  Have you had a Nineveh-type calling from God before? What route did you take to get there? Have you arrived yet?    
2.  What are some ways we can stay on the path God has for our calling and not get sidetracked down by the seashore by those “cruise-line specials”?


[1] Context for this Bible story can be found in Jonah 1-2.

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to fourteen-year-old Callie and twelve-year-old Elias.