Monday, May 25, 2015

Say Yes to the Fight
By Elizabeth Cole

“Go in peace and be freed…”
Mark 5:34b (NIV)

Today is one of those mixed-emotion days. With great solemnity, many of our fellow citizens will visit cemeteries today with spring blooms in their hands and tears on their faces. The day was originally called Decorating Day when it began shortly after the Civil War: a day to honor our fallen soldiers and to decorate their tombs with flowers. To acknowledge that our peace was acquired with a price they paid with their death.

And then with great joy, our fellow citizens will fire up the barbecue, plant some annuals and delight in the presence of the living. I’ll have a college student just arriving home, and she’ll be celebrating her freedom today…spelled S.U.M.M.E.R. 

President Theodore Roosevelt said in his 1902 Memorial Day speech, “Peace and freedom. Are there two better objects for which a soldier can fight?”

As a nation, we will spend today in peace and in freedom because others said “yes” to the fight.
As followers of Christ, we will spend today in peace and in freedom because our Creator said “yes” to the cross. Because Jesus says to us, as He said to the woman healed after 12 years of bloody suffering, “Go in peace and be freed…”

So I’m wondering what we’re doing today with that oh-so-costly peace and freedom. I wonder but that some of us have mistaken what real peace looks like, seeking it in circumstances… where there is no peace. Not recognizing that Jesus offers Himself and that “in me you have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). Or that we’ve forgotten how we get to use our freedom:  “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love” (Galatians 5:13, NIV).

That peace and freedom we have, both physically and spiritually? Given so that we can serve in love, so that we can “fight the good fight” for others to experience the same. For under-aged sex trafficking victims in Milwaukee to experience peace and freedom. For refugee mamas and their littles who escaped an ISIS-ravaged town to find peace and freedom. For…[you fill in the blank]…to know peace and freedom.

“Peace and freedom. Are there two better objects for which the follower of Jesus can fight?”

Say yes to the fight today.

1. Where is God calling you to fight for peace and freedom for others?


Elizabeth is a wife with three grown daughters and two sons-in-law, and is the Director of Connecting at Oakwood Church.