Wednesday, March 23, 2016

“It Is For Your Good…”
By Susan Klein

“But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”
John 16:7 (NIV)

How many times have we heard the words, or even spoken them ourselves: “It’s for your own good?” As a mom, I know I’ve conveyed this message to my children on more than one occasion. Usually, it was preceded by a “but why, Mom?” because they didn’t understand or like my decision. I had to ask them to just trust that I had their best interest at heart. Later, they usually saw the fruit of my decision.

In the above verse, Jesus is trying to explain to His disciples that He will soon be leaving them, and they don’t understand why. After all, His ministry has only been up and going for a few years and there are still so many people who need to know Him and benefit from His amazing teaching. They think it might be the wrong decision on His part - -  and like children - -  start to question His decision. He responds as any loving parent would. He tells them that it is for their own good. He even goes beyond that to tell them why it is for their good. Because He is sending the Holy Spirit, to dwell in them, to counsel them in all truth, to convict the world, and to speak the Father’s words directly to them. I imagine Him passionately saying something like, “You guys, it’s going to be so great! You will get to have all of me, all the time, indwelling each and every one of you! I know you don’t get it now, but just trust me in this, okay?!!”

How often we continue to respond, “If only Jesus was still here on earth with us, life would be so much easier!” Lest we forget, He is here! His Spirit is in each one of His believers. We have access to Him 24/7! In John 14:23 Jesus says if anyone loves Him, He and the Father will “make our home” with them. He’s here, at home, in our hearts.

Let’s not take lightly this precious gift from our Lord. If you aren’t sensing His Spirit’s working in your life, seek Him in prayer. We need to constantly empty ourselves of sins and distractions so we can be filled with Him.

Seriously, it’s for our good.

1. Ask God to help you identify the things that might be “hindering” the Holy Spirit’s power from being evident in your life.
2. Try making it a part of your prayer life to ask for His filling.


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood and also co-leads an on-site small group.