Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Beyond Think & Say
By Lexi Ellis

“…and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Micah 6:8b (ESV)

We live in a time of overwhelming spiritual capability and resources. Unlike past-century Christians, we have access to extensive amounts of theological commentaries and books, beautiful amounts of traditions, collections of hymns and liturgies, churches and leaders, freedom to worship freely and technological abilities that connect with us with other believers and ideas. Additionally, we have the privilege of a complete cannon of Scripture and a Holy Spirit who dwells in believers to convict and comfort.

We are incredibly blessed. And yet, I wonder if we, at times, get in a rut of Christian living compared to the authenticity of our Christian ancestors who knew persecution at a much deeper level. Despite having an amazing amount of resources, despite having easier access to know the right things to say and think…acting  on our faith is harder.

Mark Batterson, a pastor and writer, puts it this way: “Have we accepted a Christianity that is more educated but less powerful, more civilized but less compassionate, more acceptable but less authentic?”

The incredible blessings of resources we have for spiritual development at our fingertips isn’t inherently a bad thing. The tragedy is how often we fool ourselves into believing that saying and thinking is enough. In an age where we have the capability of understanding needs at a greater level than ever before, how often do we shy away from actually doing something for God. Batterson goes on to say:

 “At the end of the day, God is not going to say well-thought or well-said to His servants. There’s only one commendation and it’s this: ‘well-done good and faithful servant.’ It’s time to make a difference. It’s time to care. It’s time to act. That’s how we get unstuck.”

As we begin a new year, what do we need to do to go beyond what we think and what we say? How should we restructure our time to serve others? How should we pray for open doors to be a light? What can we do? I am so incredibly grateful for the extensive amounts of resources that allow me to strengthen and deepen my faith through what I know and say. May we, as believers, be those who go beyond what we say and know…and do something.

1.      What do you need to do differently in 2015 to actively live out your faith?
2.      What steps do you need to take so that you are actively doing…beyond just saying and thinking godly things?


Lexi and her husband, Andrew, have an adorable dog named Calvin. Lexi teaches sixth grade Reading and Writing. She serves with Children’s Ministries and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.

[1] Mark Batterson, Unstuck: Moving from the Mundane to the Meaningful  Bible study, Bluefish, 2013. Available for Oakwood attenders on RightNow Media