Monday, October 16, 2017

SON-Flower Faith
By Karen D’Amore

“From the rising of the sun, to the place where it sets,
The name of the Lord is to be praised.”

Scanning the room during a staff meeting, my eyes were drawn to an unfamiliar face. She was young…but poised, with an infectious toothy smil overpowering her tiny frame. The new beauty school graduate quickly became a vibrant addition to our team and, like a ray of sunshine, could brighten the darkest of rooms. I quickly learned Colette’s radiance was a reflection of the “Son” she worshipped and loved.

Years have passed since that first meeting and though we’re no longer coworkers, we’re still connected through Facebook. I’ve followed her courtship, engagement and recent marriage to a godly young man. As I delighted in the photos of her special day, I found it fitting that this friend - - this ray of sunshine - - had chosen sunflowers as the primary decorative theme throughout her wedding. When I enquired about the significance of the sunflowers, Colette shared how she’s always loved how they’ve brightened her life…serving as a reminder of God’s Son-shine.

While sunflowers resemble the sun in appearance, they have a characteristic called heliotropism which refers to the directional growth of a plant in relation to the sun. Sunflowers are sun-followers! Young sunflowers face the sun and track with its movement to optimize the use of light. No matter how small or little light there is, sunflowers are believed to seek out the light and hold their heads high as if in worship and adoration of the sun. Therefore, they are a symbol of faithful loyalty to something bigger and brighter than themselves, embodying adoration, loyalty and longevity.

Less than a month following Colette’s wedding, I learned she’d been diagnosed with a mass on the brain. As I followed her alarming diagnosis and prognosis via Facebook, I was touched by her steadfast SON-flower faith. She kept her face to the SON, loyally willing to accept whatever God chose to plant in her life. And even in those darkest moments of uncertainty, she always found the smallest pinhole of Light…as He pierced through her darkness.

Bearing witness to Colette’s medical journey, and observing parallels in her faith to characteristics of her beloved sunflowers, has drawn me to adore these symbolic flowers! Just as sunflowers require deep-rooted planting to prevent them from falling, Colette’s deep-rooted faith has enabled her to stand firm on the promises of Scripture. And while sunflowers thrive from exposure to the sun…Colette’s SON-flower faith has thrived through perpetual…SON-exposure. As a radiant testament to Colette’s SON-worshipping, God has empowered her to boldly reflect the SON she faithfully follows.

1. Who/what is your faith reflecting?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and as an instructor in the Cosmetology Department at WCTC. Karen also serves on the Welcoming Team at Oakwood.