Thursday, December 14, 2017

 Signs of the Times
By Karen D’Amore

And there will be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
 and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity…

Labor Day weekend 2017, the state of Florida was bracing for the worst hurricane in history. Meanwhile, portions of Texas were still submerged under floodwaters from catastrophic hurricanes of their own. On the heel of scattered hurricanes, 65 major fires were incinerating the western U.S. In addition, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods were destroying lives in neighboring countries. Mother Nature was on a worldwide warpath!

As a believer who’s mindful of Scripture, I recognized the influx of natural disasters as a pivotal “mile marker” in relation to the signs of the times. And I could see the “finish line” for the world growing nearer.

I ran in a half marathon that same Labor Day weekend, and experienced a picture of what Scripture says about the signs of the times. From the start line, the race headed south for five miles then looped back north for the same five miles, with the 10-mile marker being in close proximity to the finish line. While nearing the 10-mile marker, I could hear spectators cheering for runners coming from the opposite direction, as they crossed the finish line. When I passed those runners who were finishing the race, I still had 3.1 miles left to run.

Mentally, as soon as I heard the crowd cheering…and saw the FINISH line…I was done! Those final 3.1 miles were the hardest miles I’ve ever run, and I considered dropping out of the race. Seeing the FINISH sign before the race was over was torturous! However, when I approached the FINISH line the second time…knowing the race was truly finished…I was simultaneously depleted and overjoyed!

The experience drew me to see parallels to “signs of the times” in the world today. We’re witnessing and experiencing natural phenomenons aligning with scriptural warnings that point to the FINISH line. But despite the fires and floods and nature’s other ravaging effects on the earth, the race isn’t over…yet! We must continue to wade through the deep waters…sift through the ashy rubble…and rescue the unbelieving world from its perishing path.

As Christ-followers, the only way to know the sign of the times is to know Scripture. As we see “mile markers” indicating the FINISH line is near…remember, the race isn’t finished…yet. We need to stay on course…not lose hope…and never give up ”while we wait for the blessed hope - - the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

1. How are signs of end times changing your approach to the finish line?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and as an instructor in the Cosmetology Department at WCTC. Karen also serves on the Welcoming Team at Oakwood.