Friday, February 23, 2018

Sometimes God Says “No”
By Steph LaCasse

Then they got rid of the foreign gods among them and served the Lord. And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer.
Judges 10:16 (NIV)

“Pleeaasseeeee Mom, please can I play? I promise I’ll listen!”

You see, my seven-year-old had been pretty disobedient the previous night, and I had told him he would not be able to play video games the next day. He said he was sorry and was so repentant. I told him that I didn’t want his apologies; I wanted to see his obedience.

This made me think about the Israelites in Judges. They continually disobeyed. And when they wanted to be saved, they cried out to the Lord. In Judges chapter 10, Israel had disobeyed again. When they cried out to the Lord this time… He, in His sovereignty, said… No. This stuck out to me. Sometimes God says, “No.”

He doesn’t want our promises. He wants to see our obedience. He wants us to turn from our disobedience and obey only Him - - not our sinful nature - - which is TRUE repentance. He doesn’t always say, “Yes.” But He always answers us. He is faithful and always comes through.
Even when we are not, He is always faithful.

 Judges 10:15 says, “But the Israelites said to the Lord, ‘We have sinned. Do with us whatever you think best, but please rescue us now.’” God is merciful. And in His amazing mercy, He again rescues the Israelites. My church’s pastor recently preached on the Israelites’ (and our) cycle of rebellion. The Israelites accepted that God is sovereign and would deliver them if they truly repent.

Think on this today. How are you able to show obedience to God? In what way is He calling you today?

1.  Take time to reflect. Is there something you need to repent to the Lord about?
2.  If you have fully repented, take time to contemplate where you are on the cycle. Remember to give it to God and let go. Only He can deliver.

Stephanie is a mom of three young sons and wife to Dave, who is currently in seminary preparing for chaplaincy in the US Army. In her spare time, she’s employed at a law firm.