Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Set Apart
By Karen D’Amore

“…but now your sins have been washed away, and you have been set apart for God.”
I Corinthians 6:11

Morning had birthed a fresh batch of snow, rendering the view outside my window drab and colorless. As fog drips from the heavens and hovers atop the snowy landscape, the boundaries between heaven and earth become indefinable. The dense, leafless forest casts the illusion of army stickmen standing stiff at attention. As a mix of colorless birds play chase in the stick forest, they become camouflaged by their matching backdrop. Suddenly, a bright red Cardinal swoops through the game of chase and perches atop a mound of fresh white snow. His bold red coloring sets him apart from the colorless flock, drawing my attention to his every move.

What a powerful picture God gave me that morning. The red Cardinal represents the blood Christ shed on the cross for our sins. The white snow represents the cleansing of our sins through His sacrifice. And the colorless flock of birds depicts the unbelieving world. Webster’s Dictionary defines “cardinal” as…“an essential component.” Christ’s death on the cross was the essential component to our salvation. Through Christ’s precious blood, our sins were washed as white as snow. This provision gives trusting sinners a righteous standing, making them fit for heaven. As Christ followers, we are to become new people in Christ. We are also called to be separate from the world. The bottom line is that our lives should look different from those in the unbelieving world around us. We make it our goal to live righteous lives out of love and gratitude for what Christ has done for us. As Christians we have been set apart for His special use. We have the privilege of living lives that are vibrant and colorful, victoriously depicting the presence of God working in and through us.

Through the eyes of redemption and sanctification, the view outside my window takes on a new perspective. The leafless forest no longer appears as an army of stickmen standing stiff at attention, but rather a congregation of joyous believers, lifting hands of praise to the Lord.

1. What changes could you make in your life to set you apart from the unbelievers around you?
2. What area of your life do you need to surrender to the Lord to be more effective for His use?

Hebrews 7:26; 2 Corinthians 6:17:1 Corinthians 4:16

Married to husband Dan, Karen manages Intrigue hair salon, is the administrator for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study, and co-leads a freshman girls’ small group.