Monday, January 18, 2010

One Little Life
By Dawn Weimar

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14

She was so little when I cared for her. I was worried enough that I carried her around with me. I bathed her, and dressed her in pretty dresses and tried to coax her to eat. But she didn’t eat; she couldn’t. She eventually left my care for that of ICU.

The call came just a few days after Christmas. All options had been exhausted; there was no hope. They took pictures with their baby girl on her first Christmas, then, a few days later, they let her go. They were thoughtful to call me…so I could weep while I held her. When she left for heaven, she took my heartstrings with her to the throne. Every night I sat on the floor with my dog and cried. Sounds like sackcloth and ashes. No one could alleviate my broken heart.

Several years later, I heard an evangelist, Jesse Duplantis, preach, “Heaven doesn’t lose any babies.” This precious baby was in heaven with Jesus. Yes, I had believed that, but this day, I knew it. I sat riveted, listening to his words. I prayed with him as he led me, “Thank you, Jesus for dying for me. Please be my Lord and Savior. And thank you for taking care of those little children until we meet again.” It was then that I told my husband my sorrow had turned to joy! I didn’t know yet it was a Bible verse, but that was what I experienced instantaneously. She was being cared for by Jesus and one day I will see her again.

There are many broken hearts and broken lives that only God can heal. He asks us to present Him with the pieces and be willing to surrender to His Lordship in the situation. He is our hope, when all hope is gone. For what is real can be seen with the heart and not with the eyes.

Take your pieces to Him...your hopes, your dreams, your broken heart. As you start the new year, this is a good place to be…fully focused on your Creator, the Bearer of your burdens, and Shepherd of your soul. Be. Just BE with Him. Trust Him. Seek His face for the healing and hope you need.

1. If you haven’t done so yet, pray that prayer thanking Jesus for dying for you. Ask Him to come into your life and be your Lord and Savior. Ask Him to take your broken pieces and restore your joy and hope. He can.
2. In what areas, do you need His immediate care and attention?

Psalm 130; John 3:1-21

Dawn is a wife and mother of three daughters, and is active in Oakwood's worship ministries. She's a pediatric nurse, currently working as VP of Business Development in Population Health Improvement.