Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tech Support
By Jennie Pierce

“May the God of peace…equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory…”
Hebrews 13:20-22

Computers truly are an amazing invention. To imagine life without them now is absurd. But, when these techno-gadgets go awry, there is nothing more frustrating. Recently, my boss and I both agreed that our work computer was running slowly and inefficiently. The solution? Remote support with a technician.

The procedure amazed me, yet frightened me. All I had to do was book an appointment with a technician, then wait for his phone call. The technician was more than willing and happy to help, but his desire to help me did no one any good unless I was willing to allow him remote access to our computer. I had to give him permission by entering his code number in our system, then this technician was able to take over the entire computer without physically being in the room with me.

It was a bit nerve-wracking relinquishing complete control, staring at the computer screen as the mouse cursor flew all over the monitor. Windows were popping up, programs were being deleted and installed, files were being opened and updated…and all I could do was watch…and trust the technician to do his job. Interestingly, before he dove into his reconstructive work, he explained to me that he would establish a live chat box in the lower left corner, should I need to contact him with questions or comments while he was working.

There are times in my life when I am desperate for a tune-up, but too stubborn or afraid to relinquish control, letting God do His perfect work in me. I settle for operating in less productive ways when I allow sin, my spiritual virus, to reign in me. I figure out ways to work around my fears, negativity, laziness, disobedience…rather than give God permission to come in and clean house so I can live a more productive life for His glory! He is my Master Technician and yours. He knows what He’s doing and we must trust in His ability to accomplish great things in us. Sometimes the process hurts, takes time or is scary. But, all the while, our loving, gentle, capable Savior has our best interests at heart. His “chat box” is always available, welcoming questions, comments or concerns. He has begun a good work in us…and He longs to see it come to completion in Him!

1. To what or whom do you turn for your life’s “tech” support? What is stopping you from intentionally inviting Christ in to do the job? Only He is truly capable and trustworthy!

Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 1:6, 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Jennie is a wife and mother of three. She is active in Oakwood’s musical worship ministry and works part-time for a chiropractor.