Monday, August 1, 2011

Invisible Love
By Susan Klein

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!"
1 John 3:1

If my arms could reach around you
I would never move
If my eyes could see you
I’d have no faith to prove
The wonder of invisible love

This is how it has to be
With you and me
The wonder of invisible love

When I fall I feel your arms
Before I reach the ground
Lord, I know your whisper
Thought I’ve never heard the sound
The wonder of invisible love

How many times do we wish we could tangibly feel God’s love for us? How often do we long to literally sit at His feet or feel His arms wrapped around us? Do you ever get a tinge of jealousy when you think of all the fellowship time the disciples had with Jesus here on Earth?

These lyrics to JJ Heller’s song speak of a love that “has to be” an invisible love. We don’t have the privilege of having our Lord here in bodily form anymore. We can only experience His love in its invisible form. It is a love that we know in our minds and feel in the depths of our hearts, because we believe. We experience it in the quiet reassuring whispers that speak to our minds when we are in need; whispers that say, “You are not alone! I am here.”  We feel it in the love He showers upon us through our fellow believers - - hugs and encouraging words at just the right time. We see it in the natural beauty all around us: magnificent sunsets, waves splashing on the shore, animals at play. We know it is there when we see His constant provision for our every need at the exact moment we need it.

If we had our wish, and could tangibly feel His love, would our faith be as strong? Would we be allowed to hear those silent whispers and see the wonder of those miraculous provisions? I’d venture to say we might miss out on a lot! There will come a time, when we meet Him face to face, that our desire for a different kind of love will be fulfilled. That love will be the icing on the cake! But let’s not miss out on the feast of love He is providing for us right now while we await that day: His wonderful, invisible love!

1. Take time today to look for God’s displays of invisible love to you. Let Him know when you see them!

Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, 4:18

Susan is Oakwood’s Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in youth outreach ministry.