Monday, January 23, 2012

Can’t Get Over You
By Lisa Boyer

“The Lord is gracious and compassionate, 
slow to anger and rich in love.”
Psalm 145:8

“Can’t Get Over You” (1) by Anthem Lights has been playing on the Christian radio station and it just moves me to worship God! It begins with, “I love the way You love like no other. It's got nothing to do with anything that I do. Time and time again, You forgive me, so this time I choose to stay here with you.” My emotions just rise up within me as they sing, “I can’t get over You. I can’t get over You. I just can’t get over You. I can’t get over the way Your love stays the same, oh Lord. Even through the good and the bad times, You stay the same, so my song will remain.” The lines “I don’t wanna lose this moment; Your love has covered me. And now I can’t get over you!” just sum up my feelings about worshipping my God!

I’d been seeing God’s hand of protection all over me the past few months and it was easy to get lost in the words of that song. But then life threw me a curveball and things in my life spun out of control. The song came on the radio and I felt nothing. I waited for the chorus, which usually produces an outburst of loud singing, but still there was nothing. The emotions attached to the song were just gone.

Flippantly I thought, hmmm, apparently I can get over Him…and that thought scared me. Was I really over Him? I knew the circumstances I was in were hard, but could I really get over my amazement of who God is that easily? Was my relationship with Him no deeper than that? I thought that song had been a declaration of faith for me, but was it really just emotional? Now, with the emotions gone, would I make that same declaration? Bottom line, could I or couldn’t I get over Him?

I wasn’t feeling it at that moment, but I sang along anyway, “I can’t get over you. I just can’t get over you.” Circumstances may have stolen the emotion behind it, but they weren’t going to change my commitment!

I’m not over Him. I won’t get over Him. I just CAN’T get over Him!

1.  Do you find your emotions control your worship? Today, will you reflect on everything your loving God has done for you and worship Him regardless of how you feel?
2.  What is your declaration of faith?


(1) © 2011 Sony/ATV Tree Publishing / Oomoo Music (BMI)

Lisa has been married to Ted for 19 years and they have two teenage sons. Lisa administers Fresh Start’s Facebook and blog, and loves hanging out with and impacting teenage girls for Christ.