Monday, June 3, 2013

What’s Your Doctrine?
By Susan Klein

“He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.”
Titus 1:9  (NIV)

Recently, a friend of mine described his doctrine this way: “I am a Jesus follower, a selective ecumenist, an old-earth creationist, a non-dispensational eschatologist, a sola-scriptura-ist (providing I get to define scriptura), and a Calvaminian.” While my friend proclaimed this in a: ‘tongue-in-cheek” sort of manner, he went on to exhort, “You believe what you will; I’ll believe what I will; we’ll talk about it. Let there be peace.”

We all have our own system of beliefs, or doctrine, that shapes our thoughts and our behavior. One person’s position on an issue does not necessarily negate another person’s differing viewpoint, or how they respond to that view. It really is okay to (respectfully) disagree on some  things, though not the “absolutes” or “non-negotiables” like salvation by grace through faith. For example: One person might take a pre-tribulation rapture view, while another takes a mid- or post-tribulation rapture view. Or, a friend might choose to display her doctrine of prayer by reverently kneeling with her eyes closed, while another chooses to pray out loud in the car while driving to work in the morning. You might show the love of Jesus to the single mom next door by inviting her to a Bible study, while another neighbor shows His love by doing her yard work. Both are displaying their doctrine, though not in the same manner.

While Scripture warns believers not to quarrel about such differences (2Timothy 2:14, 23-24), we are called to hold firmly to our own beliefs. God didn’t spell out every minute detail to every issue, thus, giving us certain freedoms in our expression of our doctrine. He does, however, desire for us to make a choice about what we do believe and then stand by it, while living at peace with those who may disagree.

Remember Mary of Bethany in the Gospels? Her actions showed her conviction about her doctrine. She chose to believe the teachings of her friend and Lord, Jesus. She also chose to display her beliefs by symbolically anointing His feet with her perfume. Onlookers scoffed at Mary’s doctrine because it was different from theirs. Jesus praised her actions and refuted the opposers, even proclaiming that her actions would be shared with, and ultimately encourage, many generations to come.

So, what about you? What doctrine are you choosing to live out for Christ?

1.  What Scriptural truths are your beliefs base on? If you aren’t sure, what else might you be basing them on?
2.  How might you encourage others with your beliefs, and live at peace with those who differ from you?


Susan is a We Women Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring and working with inner-city youth.