Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why… God…?
By Lisa Boyer

“You are good, and what You do is good”
Psalm 119:68a (NIV)

Last year, while dealing with major health issues, I found myself struggling with the “why” question. I had been trying so hard not to ask God “why,” fearing that if I did ask, I would be demonstrating a lack of trust in Him. Not wanting my struggle to become a full-blown crisis of faith, I talked over my dilemma with a trusted friend. She took me to the Scriptures, reminding me that David - - a man after God’s own heart - - asked “why.” So I could ask, but asking doesn’t guarantee answers. And my point of asking was to gain some sort of understanding, giving meaning and purpose to the suffering, so then what?

My dear friend, knowing there may not be an answer to my “why” question, wisely pointed me in a new direction. “All I know,” she said with deep conviction, “is that God is good and what He does is good.” While her conviction bolstered my faith in ways I can’t explain, her  conviction wasn’t going to be enough. I needed my own  conviction that God was good and that what He was doing in my life was good… which was hard, because it hadn’t felt good. But conviction is about knowing, not feeling. I had to move past how I felt and remember what I knew.

I knew the Word of God and I personally knew God! I had spent years reading, studying and learning the Word of God. I knew God’s character! I knew Him to be trustworthy, I knew Him to be a provider, I knew Him to be loving, I knew Him to be faithful, and I knew Him to be good!

Yes, I knew…I had just needed to be reminded.

I never did get an answer to my “why” question, which is okay because I didn’t need to know why anymore. I just need to know Him and trust Him. He is good, and whatever He’s doing is good, no matter how I feel!

1.  If this devotional finds you in a “why” time of life, will you take time today to dig in the Word so you can be reminded of God’s character, and then talk to Him about where you are at and what you feel?
2.  If you aren’t sure you are familiar enough with God’s character to know that He truly is good, even in times of trouble, email us at info@oakwoodnow.org for more information on how to begin to study the Bible and learn about God and His character.


Lisa has been married to Ted for more than 20 years and they have two teenage sons. Lisa administers Fresh Start’s Facebook and blog, and loves hanging out with and impacting teenage girls for Christ.