Monday, June 5, 2017

A New Reality
By Tracy Smith

When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

A recent sermon series at church explored the truth of the resurrection. One result: Because of the truth of the resurrection, we can look forward to the new reality of experiencing God’s presence. [1]

The words “new reality” took my mind down a different path for a time. Our oldest son will be graduating from high school in June. And then in September, he will be starting college away from home. His new reality is spending the next four years preparing for his chosen career as a middle school/high school teacher. His new reality involves learning how to be more independent than he’s ever been, even while knowing that his parents are only a text or phone call away.

The rest of us in the family prepare for our new reality of living each day without his presence. My mind is not even sure what that will look like! This young man has been a part of our daily lives for almost 18 years, and his younger brother has known his presence since the day he was born. What will our days look like without him!? We can read about others’ experiences, but every family is different.   So until we are there, we just won’t know what it will look like for our family.

A new reality: exciting, scary, nerve-wracking, highly anticipated and necessary.

The new reality our pastor talked about is being in God’s presence. What is that going to really look like? Just like our family’s new reality that happens this summer, none of us will really know… but the new reality of experiencing God’s presence is definitely something to look forward to!

1.  A new reality can be exciting, scary, highly anticipated or something you really want to avoid. How do you feel when you think about being in God’s presence?
2.  If your answer to the first question is more apprehension/fear rather than excitement, what can you do to change that?


Along with being a wife and mother to two teenage sons, Tracy is a ministry assistant at Oakwood and works with a great group of Junior High girls.

[1] Colossians 3:4