Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Oxen Blessings
By Sarah Walker

Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, But abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.
Proverbs 14:4 (ESV)

I was pregnant with our second child, and I was already anxious about the upcoming newborn days. Our first boy is very sweet and loving, but he was a difficult newborn. As a result, my husband and I were under no misconceptions about the potential life change and challenges that might be coming our way. Don’t get me wrong; we were very excited to be having another boy. We were greatly looking forward to his arrival and getting to meet him face-to-face, but this was one of my pregnancy worries.
As I was going through Proverbs, the above verse jumped out at me. It spoke directly to my circumstances and me. I was focusing on the challenges of having a newborn (not too far a stretch to say the manure of the manger), but in His loving way, God reminded me of the bigger picture.
In order for there to be a harvest, there is “dirty work” that needs to be done. Rather than focusing on cleaning the manger, I needed to see the value of the “ox” that was being given to me. My son is meant to be a blessing, to provide a harvest of sanctification and unknown potential in the future. In my circumstances, I was looking forward to something that is truly and obviously a gift from God, and yet I needed this reminder. I am given the choice to see the value of the blessings that God has placed in my path. And that is what I must choose to focus on.
What blessings has God given to you that require you to get knee-deep in manure in order to cultivate? What circumstances do you find yourself in that cause you to only see the dirty manger that you have to clean over and over again? Look to the Lord, and let Him show you the strength and value of those “oxen blessings” in your own life.

1.      What “oxen blessings” are in your own life? Rather than focusing on the proverbial manure that comes from them, choose to thank God for the blessings and harvest that will take place.


Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott co-lead a summer/winter neighborhood small group.