Thursday, December 31, 2009

Being Courageous
By Susan Klein

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

In the past decade, the slogan “No Fear” has been prominently displayed on the apparel of teen-agers and young adults. Founded by twin brothers, a California-based company has made a name for itself among the younger crowds who engage in racing, surfing and snowboarding. The attitude has developed into one of being extremely daring and taking huge risks while engaging in these sport venues. However, its meaning has taken on a broader scope with some young people whose actions define courage as taking unnecessary risks in an attempt to prove they have “no fear.”

God’s Word paints a slightly different picture of courage. It has nothing to do with athletic prowess or extreme sports. Most often, the courage mentioned in Scripture has to do with men facing battle or people in difficult life-circumstances. When the odds seem stacked against them, the Lord steps in with a reminder of His presence and power, commanding them to trust Him and fear not! The word “courage” used in these verses means “to strengthen by fastening upon.” Our courage comes from our being strengthened by fastening ourselves upon God, and His power. We don’t get it from our own strength, and we don’t find it in the absence of fear. Most definitely, there is usually fear involved! God has given us the emotion or feeling of fear as a warning to avoid harmful situations, not to draw us into them. He knows we will have fear, and rightly so! But His command is to cling to Him in our fear and trust in His power.

Recently, I attended the funeral of a woman who died of cancer. Many spoke of her courage as she battled the disease to the very end. Her courage was not that of “I can beat this in my own strength,” for she knew she had no power over it and that the odds were stacked against her. Rather, she knew that God would empower her to face the outcome of her situation, whether good or bad. She fastened herself to Him for strength to get through each difficult day. She remained courageous in the face of fear and doubt. She fought a good fight in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Whatever your battle or your difficult life-circumstances, take courage! You are not alone and you will not be overcome. God promises to be with you wherever you go. Fasten yourself to Him!

1. What things or circumstances in life do you fear the most?
2. Memorize a verse having to do with courage. When you are feeling fearful, say the verse out loud and ask God to intervene with His power.

1 Chronicles 28:19-20; Matthew 14:25-27; Acts 23:9-11

Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.