Tuesday, December 20, 2011

His Worth or Mine?
By Peggy Kleckner

“She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what He said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.”
Luke 10:39-40a

In this season of busy-ness, especially for us women, perhaps we should revisit this story of Mary and Martha. If you aren’t familiar with the story, let me fill you in. Martha has opened her home to Jesus, along with His disciples. I am sure that would be a houseful! As she is preparing dinner, she comes in and asks Jesus to tell Mary to come and help her with the preparations. After all, Mary is just sitting and listening. She could be helping! Jesus answers her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” 

We all seem to agree with our mouths that Mary chose the better, but secretly, we wonder, “Who is going to take care of dinner?”  Or perhaps we want to cry out, “Unfair!”

I found myself reviewing this story again recently, and what I wondered was, “Is Martha trying to prove her worth, while Mary is acknowledging Christ’s worth?” 

Too often I have found myself trying to overachieve for company, trying to be “perfect.”  I think in doing so, I spent so much time focused on serving, that I missed the opportunity to enjoy my company.  I missed the opportunity to really listen to them, to deepen my relationship with them.

If you and I have invited Jesus into our home (our heart), are we so busy trying to clean ourselves up that we miss the opportunity to really know Him? It is in stillness and listening that we will learn more of who He is, and then He will also tell us who we really are.

Busy-ness keeps us running and disconnected. Stillness at His feet keeps us listening for His direction. We must first spend time “being” with Him, before we go out to “do” for Him.

1.  Are you trying to prove your worth to those around you, or are you giving testimony to who Jesus is?
2.  Will you sit at the feet of Jesus, so that your heart is ready to serve any company you may have this Christmas season?

Psalm 62:5-8; John 10:27-28; John 11:21-27

Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - - two sons and two stepsons, and is an active encourager at Oakwood Church in Delafield. She serves as the Coordinator of Fresh Start.