Tuesday, December 6, 2011

By Susan Klein

“Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
James 5:16

I remember a time, early on in my faith walk, when I was struggling greatly with a particular sin issue. Just when I thought I had given it to the Lord once and for all, it would rear its ugly head once again. My husband and I were part of a wonderful small group of mature believers at the time and I decided to petition them for help. As we got together to pray, our leader decided to split up the men from the women so we could pray on a more personal level. I nervously told the ladies that I had been battling a “secret sin,” and could really use their prayer. Before anyone else could respond, one woman looked me squarely in the eye and said, “You don’t have to share your sin with us. That is between you and God. You only have to confess to Him.” While she lovingly meant to save me the embarrassment of disclosure, she also inadvertently kept me from being accountable and getting help from these precious friends! As we prayed (without my sharing) I remember thinking, “but I really need to share this with someone!”

I struggled with that sin on and off for many more years by myself before God dealt with me. I sometimes wonder what might have happened if I’d been able to share what I was going through that night and have my friends pray for me. All throughout Scripture, we see this example being modeled for us. Countless times we see Paul praying for the new believers to be strong in their faith walk. In the Gospels, we see Jesus teaching the people how to pray, and then praying for them and with them. In Acts, we see the disciples praying and laying hands on those in need.

Dear ones, our God wants to hear from us! He desires to see us lift up His dear children in prayer. He did not put us on this earth to go it alone. He gave us a community of believers to walk the journey with and to prayerfully intercede for us in our need. Did He not spare Lot’s family at the petitions of Abraham? And did He not spare the Israelites from His burning anger after they built the golden calf because Moses pleaded with Him on their behalf? He listens to the petitions and intercessions of His children.

Let’s not hesitate to ask for prayers, or to offer them.

1. Who might need your supplication right now?
2. If you are struggling and in need of prayer, are you willing to share with someone?

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12; John 17

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in inner city outreach.