Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Everything That Hinders
By Susan Klein

“Let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles…”
Hebrews 12:1

Last night, I sat down to watch a new television series that aired for the first time. It promised to be filled with suspense and intrigue. Before the show started, a warning came on for some of the content that was about to be viewed. Oh dear. I really wanted to watch it, but now was rather uncertain. I watched it anyway. I viewed images that I should not have seen and heard things that were not beneficial for my mind. Why didn’t I just turn it off before I got hooked on the story line?!!

The above verse clearly states to throw off EVERYTHING that hinders. Oh, it’s not always difficult to avoid those blatant sins that can entangle us, but what about those things that are just hinderers? I believe that is more of a challenge for us today than when this verse was written. We have so many things in our lives that can distract or hinder us from running the race God has called us to run. Take technology, for example. I recently got a new MacBook Pro. In and of itself, it is not a hinderer. In fact, it has made my life a little easier; however, I find myself spending more and more time on the computer and less and less time with family. Or, I sit down to write, but first I browse Facebook or Pinterest, and before I know it, I’ve allowed it to hinder me.

God has created each of us for His purpose, and gifted us with time to use for His glory. He has also provided us with many things for our enjoyment, and wants us to delight in them. But when even those things that we enjoy become a hindrance, we must “throw them off.” A word picture that comes to mind is a scene from the movie, The African Queen.  Humphrey Bogart’s character, Charlie Allnut, has just physically pulled his tugboat through a swampy area. As he exhaustedly climbs back in the boat, Rosie, his passenger, notices leeches all over his back. They both frantically begin to rip the leeches off of his skin before they get too attached. It’s quite an emotional scene.

Likewise, we are to quickly “throw off” those things that hinder us before they become an attached part of our life.…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus… (Hebrews 12:1b-2a NASB)

1.  What types of things hinder you? Might they include worldly allurements, physical possessions, wrong thoughts, or even enjoyments?
2.  What lifestyle changes can you make to “throw off” these things that hinder?


Susan is a We Women Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring and working with inner-city youth.