Wednesday, February 6, 2013

By Peggy Kleckner

“Now the angel of the LORD found her…..And he said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from and where are you going?”
Genesis 16:7-8

I am drawn to the Old Testament story of Hagar running away to escape conflict. It is so wonderful to read the words “found her” in this passage. How often have I, like Hagar, run from my difficulties? Oh, how I longed to be “found.” For years, I ran from my emotions, refusing to feel the painful ones, to acknowledge their existence or to give them voice. I ran from them by stuffing them down with food. I was afraid that they would overcome me, and so I ran. 

How like God to come looking for us. He called out in the first garden for Adam and Eve to answer. He called out to Hagar in this passage, and He calls out to each of us. He calls out to us to admit where we are, and to admit that we don’t really know where we are going.

God stopped Hagar with a question. It is as if He was asking her to look in both directions, back to see where she came from and forward to see if she knows the way. Sometimes, we have to stop long enough to admit where we are.

In Celebrate Recovery, as in other twelve-step groups, if we recognize and speak the truth, our answer is our first step. “We admit that we are powerless over our dependencies and that our lives have become unmanageable.” This is not an easy step; it is more like a huge hurdle. It is admitting weakness in a society that honors and applauds strength. It is saying, “I can’t do it” in a culture that screams, “Just try harder” or “Try again.” The gospel of Christ is first a call to admit we need a Savior and then a surrender to His loving care. It is in surrender that we find our greatest victory.

Hagar thought she was running from her pain, but I am sure she never imagined that she would be “found” by the One who loved her best and most. It seems her pain finally sent her running into grace. If you read the rest of the story, when she was found, she could choose to surrender and submit to God’s authority in her life, or she could choose to keep running. The choice remained hers…so too with us.

We can remain a “victim” of our circumstances, keep running…or actively choose to surrender to the One and only true Savior, Jesus Christ, and accept His embrace of grace.

1.  What pain are you running from?
2.  Are you willing to stop and answer God’s questions?


Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - - two sons and two stepsons, and is an active encourager at Oakwood Church in Delafield. She serves as the Coordinator of Fresh Start.