Friday, September 19, 2014

Spiritual Binoculars
By Elin Henderson

“…SEE I have given into your hand, the king…, his city, his people and his land.”
Joshua 8:1b (NKJV, emphasis added)

The children of Israel were given a HUGE task of subduing countless cities in their Promised Land, cities of the Cannanites, Jebuzites, Hittites, Amorites, and more! And these weren’t just your average cities, they had GIANTS in them! That’s why out of the first 12 spies to go in, 10 came back with a negative report! Can you imagine the reports if they would have had binoculars like today?!

Our spiritual walk is a lot like Israel in the Promised Land. We cross over Jordan into what we think will now be spiritual bliss and peace and find our own Jerichos, Ais, and more as our “welcoming committee”! Had we a spiritual pair of binoculars that could see into ALL of the areas of our lives that needed reforming, we would be overwhelmed.

God was gracious to Israel when they finally entered the Land. He didn’t reveal ALL of the places they had to conquer, but rather, gave them one city at a time with the same simple instructions each time: “Don’t be afraid or dismayed…arise, go up…See I have given into your hand the King of Ai, his people, his city and his land.” [1]

The same is true with us, only our cities and their kings have different names like Cape Fear with its popular suburb of Unbelief, the thriving metropolis of Insecurity with its king Sir Pride, and the little towns of Comparison and Jealousy…to name a few! God only gives us a brief  look through His spiritual binoculars to spy out the next city saying, “SEE! There is where we are going next…NO scanning the horizon for other cities because you will surely find them! Don’t you worry, we’ll get to those sooner or later, but let’s focus our energies on this one right now!” 

So, every now and again when the General hands over His spiritual binoculars and shows you the next city to conquer, don’t scan the horizons for more (you know they are out there already). Instead, just take a quick look, hand them back, ask Him what the plan is, then get ready for another wild adventure as you trust Him! 
GOING DEEPER:                                               
1. What spiritual “city” is in your scope right now?  Are there more than one?
2. Why don’t we need to be afraid or dismayed as we go into battle with these cities?
3. Do we ever finish in our conquests? (Find out in Joshua 13:1!)


[1] Joshua 8:1, NKJV, emphasis added

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to fourteen-year-old Callie and eleven-year-old Elias.