Friday, July 13, 2018

Communication is Key
By Stephanie LaCasse

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

It is 4:27am. Why am I awake? I couldn’t fall back to sleep despite being tired. My mind began to wander, and I started to think about my relationship with God - - my lack of closeness with the King. I started to think about what I know about prayer and becoming close to God. I know that when I am not in the Word and praying, my relationship with God suffers.

I recently took a class through my city called The Citizen Police Academy. It was a ten-week class that focused on what the police do, and the different abilities they have which included the inner workings of their specific tasks. It was incredibly interesting. Through this class I met a man named Phil. He was an older gentleman who was very kind to me. We sat next to each other after week 2 and became friends. While the class was going on, and since it has ended, we have been in communication via email as friends. My regular communication with Phil has kept our relationship going.

It is the same way with prayer. If I am not communicating with my God (like emailing with my friend), we lose touch and drift. THAT is when I feel the lack of closeness with my King. Though He is always there, I am not. A friend in college put it this way: “When we are not communicating with God, it is us who lose out. Not God.” We are missing the deep relationship we can have with God by not communicating with Him.

God has shown over and over again in his Word that we must come to Him… just as we are. Come to Him no matter if it’s small stuff or big stuff. He wants it all. He wants the mess. He wants the desire to pick us up like the small children that we are, dust off our knees and show us that we are loved as we are.

If you find yourself lying in bed and wide awake, talk to the King of the Universe. Delight in spending time with Him. He cares about the big things and, YES, even the small trivial stuff. As a result, your relationship will grow and become stronger. You will notice and so will others around you.

  1. Is there something pressing on your heart that you need to be bringing to the King of Kings?
  2. Encourage others to go to the King when they come to you. While friendships are important, relationship with the King is invaluable.


Stephanie is a mom of three young sons, works at a law firm, and is wife to Dave, who is currently in seminary preparing for chaplaincy in the US Army.