Monday, July 2, 2018

The Attraction
By Susan Klein

“…the Almighty will be your gold, the choicest silver for you.”
Job 22:25 (NIV)

Oh, oh. Here comes trouble! Two rambunctious boys with a haggard looking grandma in tow were plowing up my drive. It was early morning the second day of my garage sale. The brothers engaged in rough horseplay and loud noises as they approached. The younger one ran straight toward me to shove a fistful of pretzels in my face. And then, just as abruptly, ran off to take a luggage cart with wheels for a test drive through my flower beds.

The older boy was immediately drawn to something on one of the tables while the grandma perused the clothing rack.

“Nana, can I buy this?” he called across to her. I had to adjust in my chair to see what could possibly have attracted this disheveled 8-ish year old with the mismatched socks, mohawk haircut and a bushel of dirt on his clothes. Of all the items in my garage, his eyes were glued to a cut glass covered candy dish.

“What would you do with something like that?” questioned Nana, incredulously.

“Use it for decoration!” he replied, proudly. So entranced with its sparkling beauty, he handled it ever so gently. After a few seconds, he pleaded again. Nana assured him it would never bode well in his chaotic home and, if inquired, “Mom would surely say no.” He persisted (even I offered up an encouraging plea) only to meet with adamant refusal. He held his ground, not moving from his spot, until Nana paid for her items and started heading for the car. Realizing the prized item would not be his, the boy shuffled out of my garage with his pouty face. My mommy heart broke for him!

Perhaps he had never seen anything like it before. What if he just wanted to bring a little bit of beauty into his (maybe turbulent) home? Why deny him the joy of a $2.00 item that he viewed as valuable?

His fixation on the object spoke a thousand words to my heart. What do I prize? What thing of beauty can capture my heart in such a mesmerizing way? These lyrics came to mind.

Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold. 
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, and
Nothing I desire compares with You.

What if every day, these words were my thoughts? What if every day, I was as entranced with my Lord as this boy was with the garage sale treasure?

1. What earthly gems might be distracting you from the brilliance of your Savior?


Susan is married to Mark, and co-leads an in-home small group. She serves as a mentor to young women, and is a member of Oakwood’s Peace Team, helping people work through conflict.

[1] More Precious Than Silver, Lynn DeShazo, Copyright © 1982 Integrity's Hosanna! Music.