Thursday, November 17, 2016

Emotional Roller Coaster
By Susan Klein

“So if you think that you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!”

“LET ME OFF!!!” I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster as of late and the ride is lasting way too long. Just when I think I’ve made it to the top, another plummet awaits. Having a cold for three weeks only adds height to the already steep track that my raw emotions are perched upon. Can you relate?

Emotions are funny things. We can both adore them and loathe them. They are the substance of our hot buttons and the source of our laughter. Alas, we cannot turn them on when cuddling that cute baby and turn them off when the computer crashes. They are always ON. Though we may not be able to keep them from surfacing, we are able to control what we do in light of them.

Take anger for example. Scripture doesn’t say, “Never be angry.” It says, “Do not sin in your anger” (Ephesians 4:26). It also says to not let the enemy get a foothold on us when we are angry. He knows what sets off our hot buttons, and will try to get us to respond in less than God-honoring ways when they are pushed. The trick is to respond with our minds and not our emotions. Easier said than done, right?!

When I find myself on the top of the roller coaster looking toward the inevitable drop, I try to close my eyes and do some quick introspection. Am I clinging to the things I know to be true or am I getting all tangled up in how I feel at this moment? Will I really crash out of control as I plummet to the bottom, or does it just “feel” that way? Isn’t God riding in the seat right next to me? It’s a good practice to identify what triggers our emotions, especially the difficult ones. Being proactive about those triggers can help us avoid wrong responses when emotions are high.

I often lament, “I wish I weren’t so emotional!” in the midst of a crisis. But as my wise husband reminds me, those emotions are a part of God’s design for us. They make us who we are and give us the ability to exhibit empathy and love toward others. We are blessed when we have emotions that run so deep they spur us on to action. We just need to choose the right action when they peak out during those rough rides.

Next time you’re on an emotional roller coaster, stop…take stock…and proceed to respond with caution.

1. What triggers your emotions to spin out of control?
2. What plan can you put into place to manage your responses to hot-button issues?


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood and also co-leads an on-site small group.