Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Savvy R U?
By Susan Klein

“For the word of the Lord is living and active.”
Hebrews 4:12a

Within the last twelve minutes, I’ve changed my status, edited my profile, written on my son’s wall, sent a piece of flair to a friend, planted some crops in a field, checked my notifications and events calendar, did a new pick-five and accepted two new friends. Did you get all that?!!

If you are Facebook-savvy, then this makes perfect sense to you. If you don’t have a Facebook account, this may have sounded a bit foreign. For years, I resisted the whole online chat thing. But then, two of my dear friends, who live on different sides of the country, encouraged me to set up an account so that we could stay connected by “chatting,” and “posting” photos for each other to see. I’m not very techno-savvy to begin with, so this was initially a big step for me. Now that I’ve been doing it for awhile, it’s become second nature. I can navigate through the site pretty easily and find what I’m looking for in a flash! And I so love staying connected to the people that I may not otherwise see or talk to very often.

Like Facebook, there is another Book that we should become savvy with. And if we spend enough time in it, it will become second nature as well. It is also the only Book that will help us to stay connected to the One who is far more significant than any friend or family member. Those who have not spent time in this Book will find its contents to be a bit foreign. Concepts such as, “the profound mystery,” or “the transfiguration” will not be familiar to them. They won’t be able to navigate easily through its pages to find what they are looking for.

While we live in a rapidly progressing technological world and must spend time learning new systems and lingo just to stay on top of things, we must not neglect to spend time immersed in the one Book that never changes. God’s Word is for us today! Unlike technology, it will never be out-dated nor will it need to be improved upon. We won’t have to download new applications to understand it. It is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We can turn to it everyday and always be rewarded with the same rich nuggets of wisdom and truth! In this ever-changing world, I find this consistency quite comforting!

1. Be mindful of how much time you spend each day on the computer. Might some of your time be better spent elsewhere?
2. Make sure to carve out specific time to spend in God’s word so you stay savvy to His precepts!

Psalm 19:7-10; James 1:22-25

Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.