Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Voice
By Vernette Kureck

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:27

The birth of a first grandchild is an exciting event. We had no idea if it was a boy or a girl or what names had even been considered. Everything was going to be a surprise. Our time in the waiting room seemed endless. If it was that way for us, it was even more endless for mom and dad. After 26 hours of labor, our son came to inform us that the doctor would do a C-section. Things were not going well and the baby was in distress. We fervently prayed for mother and child. I called our small group to pray and the church prayer chain was also activated. Our pastor came.

A darling little girl emerged into this world….but she wasn’t breathing well and needed help. She was whisked to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with lots of pediatric nurses and doctors, where even a specialist was called. We continued to pray to the Lord, our Specialist. The ventilator and IV’s were hooked up. And, the wait continued. Our dear daughter-in-law was stitched up, alert and following the entire process. We prayerfully gathered together.

Finally, I could observe our granddaughter through the glass window. Quite a struggle was going on. Her arms and legs were flailing all over. Was this a good sign? The doctor motioned for my son and me to come into the room. My heart was overwhelmed with love for this precious child. Why did she have to struggle so? I watched as my son tenderly put his hand down to hers and she curled her fingers around his thumb. “It’s alright, sweetheart,” he said. “Daddy is here.” The flailing stopped and there was an immediate quietness. “She knows your voice,” I said. “Keep talking.” He did, and she peacefully rested.

Emma Grace spent three days in NICU with trouble breathing from the stress of labor. We are so thankful that she is now an energetic healthy girl of seven. God has blessed us with her tender spirit and loving heart.

She knows her daddy’s voice. But more importantly, she is learning to recognize her Heavenly Father’s voice through His Word.

1. What are you struggling with right now?
2. What has God been saying to you through His Word?

John 10:27-28; Psalm 29:4; Psalm 95:7-8

Vernette and her husband Ken have two children and six grandchildren, with one in the works! When she’s not “grandparenting,” she’s busy as Oakwood Church’s financial secretary and as part of the leadership team for We Women’s Moms Nurturing Moms.