Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Is Your Fragrance?
By Susan Klein

“For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.”
2Corinthians 2: 15,16a

Almost every woman, young or old, loves to smell good! While spending time with a friend recently, the subject of “fragrance” came up. We discussed our personal favorites. My friend enjoys Red Door, a fragrance her husband very carefully chose for her as a gift many years ago. She still wears it to this day. It’s become her signature scent, one that many people immediately associate with her when they smell it. I, on the other hand, love to wear Happy in the summer because of it’s a lighter, more citrusy scent, and the classic Chanel#5 in the winter, which my husband also enjoys and helped choose.

So, what is your fragrance? Are you an exotic floral, or perhaps a more musky scent? Do you enjoy one specific fragrance, or do you have a different one for every mood? Do you just dab a little on the wrists, or do you lavish it on generously so your fragrance permeates your perimeter? Perhaps you just enjoy the fresh, clean scent of soap and water. Or, are you a fragrance-free type of person? Whatever your preference, I bet you do enjoy smelling good, to yourself and to others.

Back in Old Testament times, the priests would burn a very specific recipe of spices in the form of incense in the temple…a pleasing aroma to God. It was required of them by God to be burned all the time as a part of their sacrificing rituals. Since Christ became the ultimate sacrifice, God now considers us, believers, to be the aroma of Christ. But, as the verse above indicates, not all find this fragrance pleasing. To those who are being saved, who are choosing to believe in Christ, our faith witness is the aroma of life. To those who are not choosing to believe in Christ, our aroma is a death reminder of their separation from Him. Are we wearing our faith fragrance for all to smell? Have we just dabbed on a tiny amount that is hardly noticeable, or are we boldly applying it so people can smell our fragrance when we enter the room?

My great-grandma wore a certain fragrance that to this day, if I smell it somewhere, invokes pleasant childhood memories of her. When I am gone from this earth, upon the mention of my name, I hope people will have fond memories of my faith-fragrance!

1. How are you being the aroma of Christ to others? Are you remembering to apply your faith-fragrance before you leave the house?

Exodus 30:7, 8, 34-38

Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.