Monday, October 25, 2010

Da Peent Ones
By Jen Wollner

“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts…Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.”
Deuteronomy 6:6, 8-9

“Da peent ones wit da hearts on dem…Da peent ones wit da hearts on dem…”

This was what I heard my daughter, Libby, whispering to herself recently as she skipped toward the laundry room. In case you don’t know how to translate 4-year-old speak, she was saying “the pink ones with the hearts on them” over and over under her breath. Why, you wonder? Well, it’s simple really. Several minutes before, I had instructed her to go put on her shoes for school…the pink ones with the hearts on them! I realized quickly that she was repeating my orders out loud to herself so she wouldn’t forget on the way to completing the task. Believe it or not, oftentimes she does forget my directions in only a matter of seconds. Short attention span? Yes! But, a smart cookie nonetheless? Yes! And, a determined little one, too! She wasn’t going to forget this time. She was going to say the instructions repeatedly to make sure she wouldn’t lose her focus!

I find our key verse for today really interesting. Practically speaking, should we take the Lord literally and really do as He suggests? I believe that, yes, when He says, “Tie them as symbols on your hands…bind them on your foreheads…write them on your doorframes…and on your gates,” He is speaking somewhat literally. The Lord knows full well that our attention spans are short and we need His commands right smack in front of us all the time! Maybe it’s a piece of jewelry we wear with Scripture or a Cross on it. Maybe it’s a painting or wall décor inscribed with God’s Word. Maybe it’s a devotional we read each morning and meditate on throughout the day to remind us of spiritual truths. Or, maybe we make it a point to memorize Scripture and repeat it out loud to ourselves often so that it’s on the tip of our tongue when we need it most. Whatever it is, we would be wise to have God’s Word and reminders of His truths around us, in plain sight, so they are more likely to become inscribed on our hearts and minds. Then, following them will become more natural and habitual.

Let’s take a cue from Libby’s “peent ones wit da hearts on dem” and do whatever it takes to stay focused on God’s instructions and obediently act on His commands.

1. In what ways do you surround yourself, literally, with God’s Word? What else could you do in order to better remember Him and His commands daily?

Numbers 15:38-40

Jen and her husband are busily parenting three children between the ages of seven and four. She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.