Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Building Bridges
By Jennie Pierce

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…”
Philippians 2:5

Needing a bridge to complete a Sunday drama, my husband and some friends set out to complete the challenge. It took a lot of planning, money, and several long hours of sweat equity. It was exhausting work, but in the end, it was worth the effort. The stately bridge looked authentic and was decorated beautifully. Not only did it serve its purpose for the drama, but because it was built with such sound structural support, it allowed for many, many others to walk across it, signifying their devotion to Christ.

A few days later, with the bridge having served its purpose, the team began dismantling their masterpiece. I called my husband to see how it was going, and simply, yet sadly, I heard, “It’s going great! We’re almost done. Tearing down a bridge is always so much faster and easier than building one!” What he was saying as a matter of fact suddenly hit us both with the spiritual lesson that was just revealed. Why does it seem so much easier to gossip, condemn, back bite, hold a grudge or bitterness than it is to love, honor, forgive, accept and support? Relationships can be messy, and certainly require a lot of work. Sometimes they aren’t reciprocated or appreciated. Many times they don’t seem worth the effort, and, certainly there is always risk involved.

Yet, as children of God, we are called to a life of building bridges, rather than destroying them. We are called to a “One Another” lifestyle of living. Christ-like relationships work when we “love one another,” “are devoted to one another,” “honor one another,” “live in harmony with one another,” “accept one another,” “instruct one another,” warmly “greet one another,” “agree with one another,” “encourage one another,” “serve one another,” “be patient with one another,” “be kind and compassionate to one another,” “submit to one another,” “forgive one another” . . . and the list goes on! This is a description of bridge building, not bridge destroying.

So, gather up your hammer, nails, safety glasses, and even a hard hat. It might get messy out there, but the One who has called you is faithful and will help you. After all, He built the ultimate bridge - - the Cross - - because He desired a relationship with you. And it cost Him his life.

1. Take the time to read the “one another” references below.
2. What relationship bridge of yours needs work this week? What are you going to do about it?

John 13:34; Romans 12:10,16; Romans 15:7,14; Romans 16:16; 1 Corinthians 1:10;
2 Corinthians 13:11; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2, 32:5, 21; Col. 3:13

Jennie is a wife and mother of three teenagers. She is active in Oakwood’s musical worship ministry and works part-time for a chiropractor.