Friday, June 3, 2011

What’s Your Sign?
By Susan Klein

“Therefore shall ye lay up these words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand...”
Deuteronomy 11:18 (KJV)

A common question in the 60’s and 70’s, “What’s your sign?” immediately conjures up images of zodiac symbols such as Pisces the fish or Leo the lion. While astrology has lost a bit of its attraction over the years, I believe people still have signs, though of a slightly different nature.

How many people cross your path wearing a “Do not disturb!” sign? You know... the ones who are so busy they just can’t be bothered. Like their cell phones, they tend to be on “silent” mode and wish you were, too! Or maybe you’ve been exposed to people outfitted with these signs: “Danger, hazardous material,” or “Caution, flammable!” These might be visible on individuals with explosive tempers or those who choose to use their words in hurtful ways. And anyone who is a mom has been privy to this sign at least once in her life: “Caution, deaf child at play”!

So, what signs have people seen on you? Have you been caught in a “Caution, this area under construction” sign, warning people that God is not finished with you yet and you may be a little rough around the edges? Or might you be a “First Aid” kind of woman, always wanting to fix everyone’s problems? Maybe you’ve struggled with legalism in the past and carried a “Right Turn Only” sign. We all wear signs, depending on the circumstances we are in or the choices we are making. But the real question is: What sign do you want others to see on you? Have you ever had the privilege of being particularly touched by someone’s “Welcome” sign? And maybe they left a lasting impression by their “Come back soon!” sign. Perhaps, when confronted by a friend who needs a listening ear, we should don our “Park Here” sign. I imagine that’s the kind of sign we’d see on Jesus!

Some of the things Scripture tells us to clothe ourselves with (or to bind for a sign upon our hands) are compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and forgiveness (Colossians 3:12). Wouldn’t it be great the next time someone hurt you, if they could find a sign that read, “Forgiveness found here” around your neck? Or, when your antsy children need your attention, they could know they will see you wearing the sign “Patience”?

Is it time to sport a new sign?!!

1. Be consciously aware today of the signs you wear around different people you interact with. Do some of those signs need changing?

Ephesians 4:29-32, 5:1-2

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in youth outreach ministry.