Monday, June 13, 2011

Intruder! Alert!
By Jennie Pierce

“For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 2:21

While I was at work one day, my boss needed to step out of the office for a few minutes. Naturally, I stayed behind to hold down the fort in his absence, just in case someone might walk in unannounced. I was eager to embrace the alone time. Being in a rather selfish, introspective mood, I desired nothing more than to be left alone to my own thoughts. I was thoroughly enjoying the moment of sheer self-immersion, even secretly praying that no one would come in.

Then came the chime from the door announcing someone’s arrival. I was doomed. No! She was ruining my solitude! I wanted to hide - - pretend we weren’t open - - but the obvious neon sign which read “Open” and the unlocked door would speak the contrary. So, I did the kind, honest thing any secretary should do and mumbled to this intruder something to the effect of, “I’m sorry, the doctor needed to step out and won’t be back for a half hour. I’m sure your time is valuable to you, so feel free to go run errands if you want.” Confident she would take the bait and leave me to my solace, I all too-quickly heard her reply, “Oh, no! I would much rather just stay and chat with you!” In a flash, a wave of guilt flooded over me. I was being given a prime opportunity to invest in someone’s life. It was an opportunity that presented itself so authentically and openly as if to declare, “I dare you to listen to me, to care, to show love and concern.”

For the next thirty minutes, this dear soul just “let it all out” - - struggles, frustrations, questions about God. And for the next thirty minutes I had the blessed experience of listening and offering spiritual insight to a hungry, eager seeker - - an opportunity I almost sent sailing out the door. My self-absorbed, easily-annoyed attitude certainly didn’t match the servant/“others first” attitude Christ so aptly modeled and asks us, His followers, to model as well. By the time she left, I no longer viewed her as an intruder, but, rather as an investment. A spiritual investment. I rejoiced over her stubbornness to stay...lamented over my eagerness to send her away…and thanked God that He never sees me as a nuisance or inconvenience. He was never preoccupied with His own interests, but made you and me His utmost priority. His death on the cross is ample proof of that.

1. Do you welcome unplanned opportunities to serve or bless someone?
2. Today, ask God to help you be flexible and willing to lay aside personal agendas so Christ can be shared and seen in you.

Philippians 2:1-18

Jennie is a wife and mother of three teenagers. She is active in Oakwood’s musical worship ministry and works part-time for a chiropractor.