Thursday, June 23, 2011

Just the Way You Are
By Susan Klein

The Lord said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or dumb? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
Exodus 4:11-12

Moses had been enjoying the quiet life in Midian after fleeing Egypt. Escaping Pharaoh’s attempt on his life, he now tended the flocks of his father-in law on the tranquil hillsides along with his wife and son. That is, until God got his attention by way of a burning bush! While He allowed Moses a much-needed time of respite and reflection, it was now time to get back to the work at hand. As God unfolded His plan to Moses - - to return to Egypt and rescue His people from the Pharaoh - - Moses responded most enthusiastically and valiantly (not!): “Who am I; that I should go? What if they don’t believe me? I am not eloquent, but slow of speech and tongue.”

Sound familiar? How easy is it to make excuses to God when we don’t want to do something that He is calling us to do? “But God, I can’t teach someone about you. I don’t know enough Scripture!” “I’m not gifted at evangelizing. I’m not as outgoing as other people; who would do a much better job.” “I’m past my prime. Let someone younger do it.” We are all Moses at one time or another in our lives!

But notice God’s response as He doesn’t let Moses off the hook. He asks Moses who he thinks makes man the way he is. Didn’t God make Moses without eloquence? Does He not make some people with physical impairments, or slower mental capabilities, or other limitations? Most certainly He does! But what does He promise to do in those circumstances? He promises to equip them to do the task He has called them to do. He doesn’t respond to Moses, “Well, just go and take some speech lessons first and then we’ll se if you’re qualified for the job.” Instead, He tells Moses that He will “help him speak and teach him what to say.” He knows how He wired each person that he created, and it was intentional! He would not ask someone to do anything that He is not willing to equip and empower them to do.

Since He is willing to use you just as you are, shouldn’t you be willing to say, “YES!”?

1. What limitations cause you to say “no” to things God might be calling you to do?
2. Are you trusting in His sovereignty and promises, or in your own strength?

Jeremiah 1:4-10; 1 Corinthians1:26-29

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in youth outreach ministry.