Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Good Story: Happily Ever After
By Karen D’Amore

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4

Yes…I LOVE a good story!  One that provokes your thoughts…warms your heart…and inspires growth and change. Each time I’ve shared this story, I’ve received a consistent response…“what a GOOD story!”  I agree…it’s a really good story! But the reason I believe it’s such a good story…is because it’s a “God Story!”

The story began with a call to delight myself in my Lord. To love Him wholeheartedly, abandoning my will and control over my life. To allow Him to warm my heart and become my consuming fire. He personally challenged me to abandon the pitfalls of logical thinking and trust in His thoughts and His ways.  He stretched me in ways to inspire growth and transform my evolving faith.

In this story, God called me to listen, wait and pray…repeatedly. There were those difficult days in which I impatiently wanted to fast forward to the “happily ever after” ending. But as God’s faith-filled mystery unfolded, I grew to relish His page-turning timing. And as His unleashed power transcended every corner of my world, I became an enthusiastic spectator in His glory-filled arena.

Once God became my “everything”…my delight…HE was all that mattered. As I wholeheartedly proclaimed, “Whatever Lord…wherever Lord,” His free reign over my life translated into a beautiful story where He fulfilled the desires of my heart!

There were moments when I wrestled with confidence in this new trade. When my skills were stretched beyond their comfort zone and I doubted my abilities. When challenges threatened my logic, I questioned my decision in this new vocation. But in the midst of every question and every doubt, God reminded me…this was HIS plan…HIS doing… and HIS story. It wasn’t about me! It wasn’t about my abilities, but rather my availability to surrender to His plan and bring honor and glory to Him. With my heart melded in unity with my Lord’s, He fulfilled every desire He’d infused within my heart.

For the past two years I’ve lived out the desires of my heart ministering at God’s perfectly-chosen salon. With Psalm 37:4 inscribed on the back of my business cards, I am reminded daily of this story. Yes, it’s a really good  story…a “happily ever after” story…because it’s GOD’s Story!

To be continued…

1. Who’s writing your story?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon.  She volunteers at the Wildlife Rescue Center and in Women’s Ministry at Oakwood Church.