Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Real Deal
By Lexi Ellis

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways [God’s] higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

I’ve been babysitting several families this summer. Some days, I’ve played Wii with the kids. Recently, I beat my little friend who is an expert Wii bowler. I’m not the best at sports. But with this Wii Sports Resort game, all of a sudden, I am bowling over 150 when I’ve broken 100 in “real life” maybe twice. Suddenly, I can fly a plane and collect green balloons with ease. Basketball? No problem! I can slam-dunk that ball every time - -  my vertical is wicked. I am now an expert sports gal!

I know what you’re thinking, “Hold up, those things aren’t real. You’re not a real bowling genius, pilot pro or basketball expert. Those games are virtual - - you aren’t really bowling, flying or shooting hoops. It isn’t the real deal.”

You’re right. It would be ridiculous to think Wii bowling is the same as “real” bowling. In fact, we miss out on the experience of the “real deal” in the sport if we never move beyond the virtual version.

I doubt anyone would rather be a “Wii bowling expert” over the real sport. And yet, I think we sometimes do that as Christians. We miss out on the real deal because we’re too busy concentrating on the virtual, or the temporary, here on Earth. Rather than pursuing God’s master plan and listening for His guidance in our life, we choose our plans, solutions and desires. We may think we’re great at bowling - - we’re handling life on our own pretty well - - until we stop and see we’re only moving our arm with a white controller. My success in Wii bowling - - my own ways and achievements - - isn’t as fulfilling as the choice to follow Jesus and experience the real sport, which is surrendering to Him and being His disciple.

I want to experience the real deal. I want to realize I am part of God’s incredible master plan to restore, rebuild and renew the world. I don’t want to think the virtual - - my own ways and my own busy-ness in life - - is “good enough” when there is so much more beyond the TV. I want to live life in full pursuit of God. I’m still not an expert at bowling, despite winning on the Wii, but I am thankful for the reminder to get off the couch, turn off the TV and live for Him!


1. What parts in your life are acting like the Wii - - that distract you from the “real deal” of God’s master plan?
2. What do you need to do to change this?

Lexi is a new wife, serves with Children’s Ministries at Oakwood, and is a fourth grade teacher at Lake Country Christian Academy.