Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Good Story: The Key Players
By Karen D’Amore

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4

As the door shut “literally” upon the closing of my old salon, it was absolutely clear where I wouldn’t be working after graduation. As I questioned where  God would eventually place me, He filled my heart with snapshots of that future salon. And as my “melded desire” list grew daily, the puzzle pieces were transforming into a recognizable picture. Just as desires developed regarding the location and physical features of the salon, the desires regarding who I’d work for were growing even stronger.

I was familiar with Craig Berns Salon and found it charming. When I learned of a friend’s relationship with Mary Beth, the Christian  owner, my interest peaked considerably. My friend willingly agreed to orchestrate an introduction upon my request. But just as the request rolled off the tip of my tongue, the Lord nudged me with gentle conviction. His sweet voice reminded me, “Whose plan are you following?”  Whoops. I was meddling and taking control of a plan I’d relinquished to Him. He then lovingly impressed upon my heart, “How would He get the glory if I was manipulating the key players?” I retracted my request and explained to my friend the reason for my retraction. In the meantime, I prayed that God would orchestrate the connections with the key players in my future employment. I prayed that He would do so in a manner which would boldly  bring honor and glory to Him.

Weeks passed and as I continued to pray and wait, I couldn’t get thoughts of Mary Beth out of my head. As school neared an end, I studied feverishly in preparation for my final exams. Many long, sleepless nights finally rolled into the morning of exam day.  Hoping for some words of encouragement, I checked my email before leaving for school. Sitting in my inbox was an email from a church “acquaintance.” I was overcome with emotion as I read and re-read the email. A local salon was hosting an upcoming charity event and was in need of manicurists to volunteer their services. If interested in helping with the event, I was instructed to contact the salon owner directly. As I scrolled down to the bottom of the email, I read the contact information: Mary Beth Berns of Craig Berns Salon.

To God be the glory…the introductions were made…His way and in His time. As the story continued to unfold, the key players were revealed: Me and Jesus and Mary Beth!

To be continued…

1.  What do you need to relinquish to God so that He gets the glory?


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon.  She’s a leader for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and a volunteer at the Wildlife In Need Center.