Friday, December 20, 2013

Silent Night
By Susan Klein

“For He Himself is our peace”

It wasn’t really a silent night but it became one. The auditorium quickly filled that cold December evening with noisy children, parents, and grandparents, all coming to see their kiddos perform in the Christmas Pageant. Dozens of little participants were backstage getting final instructions and adjustments to their costumes before heading on. At one point during the bustle of the program, unnoticed by anyone in the audience (except his mom), a little boy was ushered behind a prop to remove his outer cow costume. And then, it happened. A silence descended over the auditorium as the lights were dimmed. One little light stood out from the candle in his hand as he stepped forward and began to confidently sing his acapella solo.

“Silent Night, Holy Night
All is calm, all is bright…”

It wasn’t really a silent night but it became one. Go back in time two-thousand-plus years. A decree had been issued for a census to be taken of the entire Roman world. That included a tremendous number of citizens. People from all over hurried to their native city to register. Small towns filled to overflowing with people returning to be counted. Such was the case in Bethlehem. People and animals filled every nook and cranny. It was noisy and chaotic. In that crowd was a young couple; she about to give birth. Looking for a quiet and clean place to deliver amidst the chaos was challenging at best. Meanwhile, out in the fields nearby, the shepherds tended rambunctious flocks of sheep. Suddenly, deafening sound and blinding light descended upon them as a great company of heavenly hosts praised God saying:

“Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men
on whom his favor rests.”

In booming voices they proclaimed the good news of great joy which was for all people, the birth of a long-awaited Messiah. Leaving their fields, the shepherds hurried off to see this thing which had been proclaimed. And when they arrived at the place where the baby lay, it happened. The night became silent, for God’s promised Peace had just entered the world. His perfect reconciling Peace, emparted to all people, had finally arrived. A silence filled the mother’s heart as she pondered the wonder of all these events. The shepherds silently and humbly bowed before the One who brought salvation, filled with awe and wonder at receiving such a great honor. The night was filled with peace.

In your bustling and perhaps hectic holiday schedule, find time to be silent. Allow the Peace of your Savior to settle over you and bring you great joy.

1. Do you have this Peace? Do you desire it? Will you seek it?


Susan enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and mentoring. She and her husband Mark enjoy opening their home to those in need.